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Mather Consulting brings to life a belief that leaders, teams and organisations have untapped potential to achieve and grow. We work with clients in a commercially smart and collaborative way to develop inspiring leaders, high-performing teams and positive engagement.

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By Joan Mather 1 year ago
Home  /  Change  /  WIN – LEARN – CHANGE


The New Year is a great time to think about ways your team(s) can foster ongoing development and growth. One idea is to get more disciplined around Team Reflection.

Reflection is key to teams staying ahead of the game and performing to their full potential. It provides the chance to PAUSE and THINK about what you are doing (or not doing) and what you can do to be better.

Teams make commitments about how they will work together to build a culture of trust, accountability, high engagement and deliver results. However, workloads often get in the way of teams taking time to check-in on how they are tracking.

If you are looking for a simple but powerful way to keep discovering, learning and developing as a team build in regular REFLECTION conversations and check-points.

To get you started here are six self-reflection questions you can use to look back and set up strong for the year ahead.

  1. What have we achieved?

  2. What has helped us?

  3.  What goals or opportunities did we miss?

  4. What got in our way?

  5. What are the key lessons learned?

  6. What will we change moving forward?

I encourage you to make REFLECTION part of the way you work together.

Make Reflection a Team Habit.

  Change, Culture, Development, Team
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