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Mather Consulting brings to life a belief that leaders, teams and organisations have untapped potential to achieve and grow. We work with clients in a commercially smart and collaborative way to develop inspiring leaders, high-performing teams and positive engagement.

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I love facilitating and work really hard to deliver outcomes that our clients are invested in.

By Joan Mather 3 months ago
Home  /  Facilitation  /  I love facilitating and work really hard to deliver outcomes that our clients are invested in.

I am incredibly grateful for and proud of our many facilitation opportunities over the years, particularly in the second half of this year. Whether facilitating leadership programmes, high-performing teams or bespoke, I love facilitating and work really hard to deliver outcomes that our clients are invested in.

So, when I received this feedback relating to a recent engagement, I was beyond excited!

As facilitators, our role is to help others explore, learn and reach outcomes without getting directly involved in the process and/or discussion. When done well, facilitation is exceptionally empowering and respects and taps into the wisdom, experience and perspectives of all participating.

Note: One facilitation flaw for me is trying to do too much in the time we have, so I was particularly satisfied to know that I kept things on track.

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