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How do you want your people to feel at work?

By Joan Mather 2 years ago
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My Food Bag Leaders using The Emotional Culture Deck from riders&elephants facilitated by Mather Consulting.

Leaders, how do you want YOUR PEOPLE to FEEL at work, and why do you need to think about this question? 🤔 Well, at the core of people’s experience, engagement, and achievement is how they feel. Imagine for a moment…individuals and teams feeling Incapable, Overwhelmed and Disconnected versus feeling Connected, Involved and Supported!

I was delighted to be in Christchurch last week with My Food Bag leaders who, using The Emotional Culture Deck from riders&elephants, are exploring and aligning on how they want their people to FEEL at work AND what this means for their leadership. Working through this activity, leaders can be more purposeful about their leadership practices and habits and be confident about their positive influence on teams. The Christchurch leadership team agreed on key leadership behaviours that would help to create a truly positive employee experience. \

If you have yet to use the Emotional Culture Deck, here is a snapshot of how leaders can genuinely influence people’s feelings at work.

✴ To help our people feel CONNECTED, we share our roadmap and the part they play on the team.

✴ To help our people feel INVOLVED, we acknowledge we don’t have all the answers – so we will coach more and advise/tell less.

✴ To help people feel SUPPORTED, we have regular check-ins focussed on work and wellbeing.

✴ To ensure people do not feel INCAPABLE, we recognise achievements and help them grow with development feedback.

So, leaders, think about how your people feel at work. If you need more clarification, take some time to discover how they DO FEEL, how they WANT TO FEEL and what YOU CAN DO to create a more positive emotional experience at work.

As an Emotional Culture Deck trained facilitator, I am confident this discovery work with your people can help focus your leadership and create a highly engaged and energised team.

I’d love to hear from you if you’ve explored this already and how this impacted your teams. Conversely, if you are yet to explore, I’d love to help you facilitate this in your organisation.

  Change, Culture, Engagement, Leadership, Partners, Services, Team, Training
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